This rapidly changing and never stopping era requires everyone to adapt and to adopt a fast-paced working environment. To actively face up to this cha(lle)nge, we see Lifelong Learning (L3) as an opportunity and a compelling paradigm. We must understand how to ask the right reinvention questions, but also to give answers to these questions.
How do we prepare people for jobs that don’t exist today? What skills and competences does each individual need in an environment of never-ending change? What can everyone bring to the table? Lifelong learning is one of the most important answers. Below, we have posted some thoughts on that topic derived from 1000Vordenker gathering „The Future of Lifelong Learning“ in November 2018.
Each individual cannot stop at his or her state of knowledge but should always be open to new things. We are therefore faced with the challenge of learning new skills and constantly developing ourselves. This preserves employability and strengthens the entrepreneurial spirit.
Companies face the challenge of preparing their employees for new requirements, actively involving them in the transformation process and giving them room for development.
One of the success factors for the future viability of a company is to anchor L3 inside the organization in a way that it is understood and actively shared by all employees (people-driven).
An important business task is to make employees fit for the future. In the first step, it is the routine tasks that are „digitized“ and automated. This transformation affects both knowledge workers and less qualified employees.
In general, learning involves all kinds of skill development – it doesn’t always have to be the „formal course“. Informal learning is one of the most important building blocks in the development of skills. Learning is achieved with openness and curiosity.
How people learn is very individual. Digitization opens up many new avenues here as well. Personalised learning models tailored to individual needs are becoming the new norm. In addition, there is multisensory learning, which means actually practicing something in practically and not just reading or hearing about it. (90% of what we do is permanently stored and processed in the brain). Companies should start their L3 program rather sooner than later. Traditional training programs must be radically changed. The potential of Learning Management Systems can be unleashed with C-Level support.