Does your company live Reinvention?

Answering the first four of our guiding questions is the basis for successful reinvention. This last question is connected with the respective corporate culture and it is often the biggest challenge for success.


An organisation is permanently changing, independent of hierarchies. Here, it is more a matter of new collaborative forms of work. The transformative power of Covid-19 has created completely new realities where many companies previously only saw an abstract entity. The speed of change has been enormous. There is often a new understanding of the strong role of the manager, who motivates his team and empowers them to overcome the challenges.

Finding the right balance between management and leadership creates the foundation for employee empowerment.

Digital leadership is a cross-sectional competence as well as a collective concept for various methods, theories and tools that describe leadership, and especially leadership in the intelligent era. Change is seen as an opportunity. It is becoming increasingly important that the company sees itself as an extended form of its external partners. Open hierarchies and borders, as well as diverse interfaces between in-house and external sources require new thinking.  The internal organisation of companies will look more and more like a market. The understanding of the EDM with all its manifestations is therefore also a critical factor for success here. 

Embracing change means embracing learning. A learning culture will help to grow the company’s capabilities and ultimately strengthen its delivery of the unique value proposition. Every employee has the right, but also the obligation, to grow. Among other things, the mantra of lifelong learning empowers companies to develop future digital skills and abilities, in order to boost the opportunities of reinvention. 


As with all of our five dimensions, the guiding question at the beginning is easy to ask but needs time and energy to answer. So, take your time to browse through your mind and our magazine, and then return: To what extent is the idea of reinvention permanently lived in the organization and anchored as a permanent process of transformation?


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