A guest contribution by ChatGPT Note: this article was purely created with ChatGPT, using the prompt „write an interesting article about the latest developments in generative AI and the future…
This is about the “Big Transformational Idea” – without compromises. It should be completely new and thought out beyond known limits. In the end, creativity and courage make the difference.
DID YOU KNOW…? Sources: Klarna The current pandemic forced us to change our habits overnight, it also showed us that major lifestyle changes are possible. But what about making voluntary…
Trying out Hugging Face Spaces For this month, we took a look at three exemplary demos published on Hugging Face Spaces. Find further infos on the platform in our recent…
Creating artificial landscape photographs from scratch For our first Play of the new year, we have chosen an updated demonstration of GauGAN: GauGAN2. If you are new to our monthly…
First time experiences with GPT-3 and Codex This month we’d like to share some insights into two super exciting projects by OpenAI that have left programmers and AI specialists speechless…
Ask Delphi: Oracle of the crowd or when ancient Greece meets descriptive ethics What has long been only a myth now revels itself as the ethical truthteller: Pythia is artificial….
For the month September we present two very different applications, both interesting and fun to experience. One won Mozilla’s $50,000 award for AI, the other one predicts the user’s intention…
The Reinvention of language. This month we present two of AI21 Labs products: First up, there are the new Jurassic-1 language models you can play around with in your browser….
VIRTUAL WORLDS Tina Sauerlaender, curator, art historian, speaker and writer, joined our 1000Vordenker 55min of Reinvention session on “Virtual worlds – The future of SocialVR and WebVR in art and society”….