
Listen and Learn

Every transformation process must start with the customer. The customer has morphed into an Educated Decision-Maker and has real needs and demands – prepare yourself for meeting them!

Amazon: Customer centric at heart

REINVENTION, A PART OF THE COMPANY’S DNA The customer focus is a cornerstone of Amazon’s philosophy. Actually, it’s more than just a focus. It’s a coronation, as for Jeff Bezos‘…

Eat your own dogfood

HOW DO YOU RETHINK? Test your product. And yourself. 1 Use your own product within the next 24 hours. Just do it! Write down your first impression and experiences from…

Think and act post-digital

FORWARD TO EXPERIENCE EVERYWHERE What do terms like “media convergence” and “multi-channel” tell you? That you are stuck in the past. Because you still think that digital competence will make…